Endnotes for Equal
For a full set of online endnotes for Equal -- more than will appear in the printed book -- please look below on this page.
This website began in order to serve as a repository of full endnotes for Equal: Women Reshape American Law--more notes than will appear in the printed book.
The concept for these full and searchable endnotes arose after the book was basically complete, when editors at Norton realized that it might extend past 600 printed pages and suggested that we try to shorten the book. Rather than shave words from each chapter, we decided to reduce the volume of endnotes in the printed book but to put all endnotes online--a savings of paper and also, I think, a fine resource for the few readers who truly wish to spend time in the endnotes. Because the notes are keyed to pages and phrases in the book, searching can be more efficient than using the book's index.
When you look below, you will then have a chance to read, or save to your computer, an Adobe PDF file, 116 pages in length and fully searchable, titled "EqualEndnotesStrebeighDecember2008." (If I ever update the endnotes, for any reason, I will update the title.) (These endnotes seem no longer to be available as of October 2009, at W. W. Norton.)
-- Fred Strebeigh
This website began in order to serve as a repository of full endnotes for Equal: Women Reshape American Law--more notes than will appear in the printed book.
The concept for these full and searchable endnotes arose after the book was basically complete, when editors at Norton realized that it might extend past 600 printed pages and suggested that we try to shorten the book. Rather than shave words from each chapter, we decided to reduce the volume of endnotes in the printed book but to put all endnotes online--a savings of paper and also, I think, a fine resource for the few readers who truly wish to spend time in the endnotes. Because the notes are keyed to pages and phrases in the book, searching can be more efficient than using the book's index.
When you look below, you will then have a chance to read, or save to your computer, an Adobe PDF file, 116 pages in length and fully searchable, titled "EqualEndnotesStrebeighDecember2008." (If I ever update the endnotes, for any reason, I will update the title.) (These endnotes seem no longer to be available as of October 2009, at W. W. Norton.)
-- Fred Strebeigh
Full online endnotes for Equal follow
(as PDF via Scribd, which is good for reading but not downloading--for which see further below)
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Downloadable endnotes for Equal
A note on this website for Equal: Women Reshape American Law
As of May 2012, Microsoft has ended its long-running website service called Microsoft Office Live, on which I built this site, www.EqualWomen.com. I am now rebuilding the site on a new website service, but for a while this site may remain in progress.
Many apologies, Fred Strebeigh